Unlike far too many Electricians who were mentored by "Dave down the Pub!", I had a much better world wide experience. Strap in ... here goes the Background story ...
As I approach 55 years young on 22nd November 2025 (I know, unreal eh?), I’ve been reflecting on the 37+ year career not just as an Electrician in Leeds and Sheffield, but also the two big questions people ask …
1. Do I have any REAL experience or did I learn from some one man band or Dave down the pub? Or are my mentors much more than that?
2. Why did I do an honours degree? Those who communicate will spot the BSc (Hons) in my email signature. And did it serve a purpose? I mean the uneducated response to that would be “yeah but you need hands on experience!”. My reply is that you need experience AND THEN keep enhancing yourself each and every year. More on that below …
So before I left school (in a small north east town) I already had a head start in two industries due to my passions. From 11 year old I’d sit on my ZX Spectrum and write machine code (I wrote my own compiler!) and design and write my own games. If only I’d sent some of those to the software houses at the time! 😣
I even helped and corrected our school computer studies teacher who was a Maths teacher who only had basic IT training. I was the one people asked the questions to when stuck 😂
ALSO I bought “Everyday Electronics” magazine and obsessively built the electronic projects within it, so I could learn. Plus my dad’s best mate was into controlling motors and input/output devices using his Commodore 64 computer, so I spent time with him learning that too.
All before leaving school!!
Nerdy? Yes! But useful for what came next …
My apprenticeship was in the Car Industry (a “proper” 4 year one, not these scaled down modern day crappy ones!) and the first year was spent in a dedicated Engineering training centre (yes a full year!). All while doing day release at college to get ONC then HNC in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. A very tough course! But I got Merits and Distinctions throughout (unlike school where I did rubbish!)
Then into the factory with robot systems, high end externally controlled welding controllers, press shops, paint plants and lots of machines with sensors and a need for programming (PLCs) and calibration. A VAST experience of 100s of machines for high production that I had to keep running! I also learned KAIZEN here (Japanese system of continuous improvement which I think should apply to people as well as production processes).
UP NEXT was Semiconductor Industry. State of the art production, working on leading edge products only just invented and huge money production that I had to keep working PERFECTLY. Here was many more robot systems, electron microscopes, hundreds of testing machines, production machines and so on. I flew around the world learning these and maintaining them and also went to places like Intel and Micron and various Silicon Valley places.
In parallel I studied a degree in Maths and Computing. I always loved maths and computing - well you saw what I said earlier. This was mathematical modelling and this works well with computing as often you need to emulate the real world with equations that model it. In fact Stephen Hawkins dreamed that one day there’d be a model that emulates the whole universe.
In between this I also worked in big name production such as Black and Decker and Electrolux. Roles from Technician to Design Engineer as I had designed production layouts and even designed and programmed some of my own test equipment that was used on the production lines to prevent breakdowns and give real time inline warnings.
All that took NINETEEN YEARS before even getting started as an Electrician in Sheffield!! I also moved from a small town to a city, then to Sheffield (Spennymoor and Newton Aycliffe and then Leeds and then Sheffield - All a lot of scary fun trying to get known as the local Electrician over again!). So where some people start their own business FAR TOO SOON, I was one of the slowest in history to start my own business 🤣🤣🤣
By the way, I also have an online training business, for other trades to learn how to systemise as well as I do (which pretty much looks after itself!) but that’s a story for another day. It's called the
Ginger Academy for those that want to take a sneaky look.
Anyway I believe that the dedication of completing a 6 year long Open University honours degree while also working 10-12 hour days was part of what got me so disciplined with my time and helped me be able to still have fun and so balance my day meticulously (ask me to show you my “default diary” if you meet me - you’ll see what I mean 😂). Life is for living so the balance of work and LOTS of fun is crucial. If you see my personal posts you’ll see I’m always doing fun stuff. Much more than just another electrician in sheffield.
I’ve also spent many years attending personal development training (I know I’ve spent easily over £100,000 on training alone in the last 15 years!). The big ones include Tony Robbins but also various sales and NLP psychology courses as well as the usual technical training required of NICEIC.
So with all that experience why did I “lower” myself from engineering roles to bog standard Electrician? One reason was that the semiconductor industry crashed in the UK. Also to me, running a business requires a lot of knowledge and needs to stand out from “the herd”. It also needs fast follow ups and many, many skills that the apprentice of John from the pub just does not possess. It also requires and semi-automatic mix of systems and 1 to 1 communication, where the systems purely help to speed things up and make sure nothing is forgotten. But in a natural or semi-automatic way. The system I use now has just introduced an AI element so it can look at a question on email or text and suggest a reply using my tone based in all my past communications - I check it first before sending it of course, but often it’s frighteningly accurate 😱
So anyway, recently some people had not heard of me and wondered why I didn’t mention what I do in the last post.
Now you know im NOT just your average Electrician in Sheffield (unlike most!) 😜
Simon Barker … BSc (Hons)
S Barker Electrical Ltd
Famously known as
The Ginger Electrician
Also daft in my spare time (see my personal posts on
facebook for evidence 😉 )
S Barker Electrical Ltd
838 Ecclesall Road,
S11 8TD
Tel: 0114 419 0020
VAT Registration No: 228710512
S Barker Electrical Ltd | All Rights Reserved | Number 6336958. Registered in England and Wales